Welcome to Clear Path Quarterly— your guide to the road ahead. This newsletter will provide updates on Clear Path 465, which is improving safety and traffic flow on I-465 and I-69 on the northeast side of Indianapolis.

Earlier this month, traffic switched onto new pavement from I-465 North to I-465 West. The new pavement begins around Fall Creek and ends near Binford Boulevard. This major milestone ensures safer and more efficient travel for motorists.

Mark your calendars! In August, drivers can expect to see 71st Street open again while bikers and pedestrians can access the 71st Street trail . Later this summer, the ramp from I-69 North to 82nd Street is also expected to open to traffic. This critical link will improve access and reduce travel times.
Bridge progress continues to advance for Clear Path. Four bridges near the main interchange have had beams set this year. Earlier this year, crews set beams for two new bridges on I-465 West, including the beams for the bridge shown below. Earlier this week, beams were set for two new bridges over 82nd Street.
As construction progresses on Clear Path 465, our project team regularly captures photos of the ongoing work. These images are regularly posted on our website, allowing you to see the project’s development firsthand.

We’ll keep you informed and let you know what to expect. Visit ClearPath465.com for real-time traffic information and closures. The website is updated on a routine basis to reflect current conditions.